Wednesday, May 19, 2010


How about a little lip action?

Enter to win a free lipbalm, your choice of flavors. Just leave a comment; names will be drawn at random on Friday.

FLAVORS: ■ Raven Rose ■ Confectioners ■ Lady Lavender ■ Absinthe ■ Winer's Mint ■ Sassafrass (sweetened) ■ Honey Bee (sweetened) ■ Queen of Hearts (sweetened) ■

Saturday, May 15, 2010

our feature

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ms Scarlet...

Ms Scarlet, with the knife, in the library...

Visit DellasHats

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Visit DamselInThisDress

Thursday, April 29, 2010

cicada song

The Cricket to the Cicada
(Greece, circa 100 B.C.)

The Cricket to the Cicada
O resonant cicada, drunk on dewy droplets.
You sing your rustic song that sounds in lonely places.
Perched with your saw-like limbs, high up among the leaves
You shrill forth the lyre's tune with your sun-darkened body.
But, dear friend, sound forth something new for the woodland nymphs,
A divertissement, chirping a tune for Pan as the song which you sing in your turn,
So that I, escaping from Eros, can catch some noon-time sleep
While reclining there under the shady plane tree.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

new scent: time traveler

■ time traveler- tingly mint and fresh cut thyme whirling through time and space...

Friday, April 9, 2010

2 new lippie flavors

Now available good old fashioned sassafras and honey bee, both sweetened.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ms Peacock...

Ms Peacock, with the candlestick, in the observatory...

Visit DollieMacabre


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My April Fool's Day Offering

Surely you jest!

Surely you jest! Indulge in wickedly luxurious glycerin soap. One debaucherous bar displays one bizaaro jester on escape from the fun-house.
scent: ■ nocturnal-a midnight dance with seductivley intoxicating anise spirits and the green fairy herself.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


You were much more muchier. You lost your muchness. – The Mad Hatter to Alice, Alice in Wonderland [2010].
Have you lost your muchness? My resolution is to be much more muchier from this day forth, thank you, Mr Burton, for that jab.

Friday, February 19, 2010

fabulous friday finds, OpalMoonDesigns

wonderland inspired designs...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SteamBathFactory: NEW perfume oils

beware... all ye who tread here. SteamBath artisan perfume oils are not for the faint of heart. Anoint pulse points to reach your penntacle of desirability, if you dare...

Friday, February 5, 2010

fabulous friday finds, rhonda's treasures

just in time for valentine's day.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

SteamBathFactory NEW item: happy valentine's day

it was love at first sight..

Friday, January 22, 2010

fabulous friday finds,bartering with demandblue

i just received this amazing little flirty skirt.
demandblue got lotions and scrubs in excahnge.
gotta love a great barter!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SteamBathFactory: lippies

Steambath Lippy is a must have for all unconventional ladies who crave luxury.Seductive and glamorous , Steambath Lippy is rich with nourishing Vitamin E and restorative butters of Shea and Cocoa.

Name your poison:
■ Raven Rose
■ Confectioners
■ Lady Lavender
■ Absinthe
■ Winer's MintLippys

Friday, January 8, 2010

fabulous friday finds, JRoseAtelier

legwarmers all grown-up.